(21 Days) Class 9 term 2 stratergy | term 2 stratergy for class 9


In this article we are going to provide you Magical class 9 term 2 stratergy for maths, science and social science. If you are in class 9 student then this article is going to be very important for you. I gurantee after following this class 9 term 2 stratergy you will complete your whole syllabus in just 21 days

Because of the rise of corona cases there is no update from CBSE that term 2 will be descriptive or objective. Syllabus is too big and time is too short and In this short time we have to cover whole syllabus, do revision at least 3,4 times and score well in term 2 examination.  

This class 9 term 2 stratergy will be a 'Brahmastra' for you. 

Class 9 term 2 stratergy

Topics we are going to cover 

  • Self study resources
  • Ncert book
  • Notes 
  • Question bank 
  • (21 Days) Class 9 term 2 stratergy 
  • Week 1 
  • Week 2 and 3
  • What to do after completing class 9 term 2 stratergy plan 

Self study resources

Class 9 term 2 examinations will held after 2 months and we have to define our all resources from which we will study. There are mainly 3 resources that you will definitely define. Let's discuss about them.

Ncert book 

Ncert are the 'god' books because in CBSE exams 70 to 80 percent question paper is made by Ncert directly. Don't ignore ncert otherwise you will be responsible for your own result. 


You can make your own notes either you can also follow mine and download it's pdf. Notes are important because when you'll go for revision you can't read the whole Ncert book in exam days you have to follow notes. 

Question bank 

The most important resource for class 9 term 2 is Question bank, After reading Ncert and understanding the concept we need a question bank from where we can practice because CBSE exams are all about practice and revision. So, for that we need a reference book that contain relevant questions. I will recommend you Oswaal question bank for class 9 term 2. (Why?) 

Because of no update through CBSE about the class 9 term 2 exam pattern the Oswaal question bank will be perfect for you as it contain MCQ, Assertion and reason, case based, situation based and descriptive type questions. 2 practice papers are also provided as a bonus! 

(21 Days) Class 9 term 2 stratergy 

Class 9 term 2 stratergy plan

The class 9 term 2 stratergy plan is in PDF format (if you want to download it read the full article) 

Divided into 3 weeks                 (7×3=21 days)

Week 1

Class 9 term 2 stratergy plan

Day 1: I included gravitation, packing and Socialism in Europe & Russian Revolution because gravitation become a easy and chapter after reduction and packing is a English chapter and we have to complete 1 chapter of English in one day. 

Day 2: You have to continue reading 'Gravitation' and 'Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution' and one new English chapter 'Reach for the top' (Notes: " means that you have to read the chapter again and complete it) 

Day 3: You have to read 'polynomials' in third day that contain maximum marks for maths teem 2 examination and 'work and energy' They both are little bit lengthy chapters. 

Day 4: You have to continue reading both the chapters. 

Day 5: You have to do Quadrilaterals which is a easy chapter, weathering the storm in ersama and Climate

Day 6: You have to continue reading Quadrilaterals and Climate but have to read a new English chapter The last leaf 

Day 7: (Most Important day) This is your weekly revision day or your reserve day If you miss any of the day study you can complete it on this day If not you have to do a revision. 

Week 2 and Week 3 

The two weeks also follow the same criteria. The whole class 9 term 2 stratergy plan is made from a deep research and No non-important and random thing is added to it. 

If you accept this challenge and have guds to follow this class 9 term 2 stratergy plan write 'challenge accepted' quickly in the comment section. 

Hope you like the class 9 term 2 stratergy plan we provided you. Let us know in comment section and if you have any doubt visit our social media platforms:

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

Is Term 2 exam subjective or objective? 

If corona cases rise or third wave comes in india then the term 2 exams will be conducted like term 1 it will be MCQ based of total duration of 90 minutes. 

Which book is best for class 9 Term 2?

Here is the best books list for class 9 term 2:

  • Oswaal term 2 question bank 
  • Arihant all in one 
  • Arihant core for term 2 
  • Arihant sample paper
  • Oswaal sample papers 

How do you prepare for class 9 term 2?

If you want to score well in class 9 term 2 you have to follow the class 9 term 2 stratergy plan provided by edugyane.

Which question bank is best for class 9 term 2? 

Oswaal question bank for class 9 term 2 is best because it contain all type of question formats.

Which Notes are best for class 9 term 2?

Edugyane, careerflux and class9tosuccess provide best notes for class 9.

Also read 


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