Notes of Light class 10th WITH MEMES | Light reflection and refraction class 10 notes pdf

Notes of light class 10th

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Class 10th
Board CBSE
Textbook NCERT
Chapter Chapter 10
Chapter name Light reflection and refraction
Category Class 10th notes

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Notes of light class 10th

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Light reflection and refraction class 10 - Introduction 

In the chapter light: reflection and refraction we are going to study about the phenomena of reflection and refraction. Where in reflection we will study about how travels and reflect from several mirrors like plane mirror and spherical mirrors. we will also relate the thing to our real life so that we can understand the concepts very clearly.

Important topics under CBSE Class 10 science chapter 10 - Light reflection

  • What is Reflection?
  • Reflection  by spherical mirrors
  • Rules of image formation
  • Image formation by convex and concave mirrors using ray diagrams
  • Sign convention, mirror formula and magnification

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📚Notes of Light📚

🔶Light is an energy which enables the sensation of


Standard definition

Light is an electromagnetic form of energy or a

series of photon Particles which enable us to

see different objects.

🔶Dual Nature of Light (light ka doglapan)

There are two theories about light

🔸Wave theory:According to this light consists of electromagnetic

waves which do not require a medium for

their propagation.

🔸Particle theory:According to this light is composed of particles

which travel in a straight line at a very high

speed. The particle is known as a photon.

Properties of light

🔸It always travels in a straight line i-e. It shows
rectilinear propagation.
🔸 It does not require any medium to travel.
🔸The speed of light is tremendous 

3x10^8 m/s

🔸Every next particle follows the other one.

Reflection of light

🔶When a light ray comes from a medium that

strikes any surface and  bounces back into the same medium, this phenomenon is known as

"Reflection of light".

Laws of Reflection (For any mirror)

🔶The angle of incidence is always equal to the

angle of reflection. ∠i = ∠r

🔶The incident ray, Normal and reflected ray all lie

on the same plane. They all join at a point

known as the point of incidence.

🔶Properties of image formed by a plane mirror

🔸The image formed is Virtual & Erect

🔸The size of image object is equal to the size of


🔸The distance of the object from the mirror is

equal to the distance of the image from mirror

🔸The image formed is laterally inverted

Spherical mirrors

🔶A mirror whose reflecting surface is a part of a

hollow sphere of glass is known as a spherical


Notes of light class 10th

🔸A spherical mirror whose reflecting surface is bulging out is known as a

Convex mirror.

🔸A spherical mirror whose reflecting surface is

bent-in is known as a Concave mirror.

🔶Center of Curvature -It is the centre of the hollow sphere of the glass of

which the mirror is a part.

🔶Radius of Curvature - It is the radius of the hollow sphere of glass of

which the mirror is a part.

🔶Pole - The central point of the surface of the mirror is

called its pole.

🔶Principal axis - It is a line passing through the center of curvature

and the pole of the mirror.

🔶Aperture -  It is the portion of mirror through which r

eflection of light actually takes place.

🔶Principal FocusIt is the point where all the rays which are parallel

and close to the principal axis converge

(or appear to converge).

🔶Focal length - It is the distance between the Pole and Principal

focus of the mirror.

Concave mirror

🔶Rules for image formation by Concave mirror

🔸When a light ray strikes the mirror parallel to the

principal axis it passes through the focus after reflection.

🔸When a light ray strikes the mirror passing

through the focus it is reflected parallel to the

principal axis.

🔸When a light strikes the mirror at the Pole then the angle of incidence is equal to the
angle of

🔸When a passing light strikes the mirror through

the centre of curvature it is rebounded on its

own path.

Image formation by Concave mirror

🔶Case I (Object is at Infinity)

Nature: Real and Inverted 

Position: At F 

Size: Highly diminished Or point sized

🔶Case II (Object is Beyond C)

Nature: Real and Inverted 

Position:  Between F and C

Size: Diminished

🔶Case III (Object is at C)

Nature: Real and Inverted

Position: At C

Size: Same size

🔶Case IV (Object between C and F)

Nature: Real and Inverted 

Position: Beyond C 

Size: Enlarged

🔶Case V (Object is at F)

Nature: Real and Inverted

Position: At Infinity

Size: Highly enlarged

🔶Case VI (Object is between P and F)

Nature: Virtual and Erect 

Position: Behind the mirror

Size: Enlarged

Uses of Concave Mirrors

🔸It is used as a shaving mirror to see a large image

of the face.

🔸It is used as reflectors in torches, headlights.. etc.

🔸Used by dentists to obtain a larger view of teeth.

Convex Mirror

🔶Rules for Image formation by Convex Mirror

🔸When a light ray strikes the mirror parallel to the principal axis it appears to be coming from the


🔸When a light ray going towards the centre of

curvature strikes the mirror it retraces its own


🔸when a light ray going towards the Focus of

mirror strikes the object it is reflected parallel to

the principal axis. 

🔸when a light ray strikes the mirror at pole it is

reflected at the same angle.

Formation of image in Convex mirror

🔶Case I (Object is at Infinity)

Nature: Virtual and  erect 

Position: At F 

SIze: Highly diminished

🔶Case II (Object is anywhere on principal axis)

Nature: Virtual & Erect

Position: between F and P

Size: Diminished

Uses of Convex mirrors

🔸Used as rear view mirrors in vehicles to see a

wider view of traffic.

🔸Convex mirrors are used in shops as Security


Sign Convention for Spherical Mirrors

🔸The pole of the mirror is taken as Origin.

🔸All the distances which are on the right side of

the mirror are measured as positive.

🔸All the distances which are on the left side of the

mirror are measured as negative.

🔸All the distances which are measured

perpendicular and upwards of the principal axis
are marked as Positive.

Mirror formula and Magnification

🔶The formula which gives the relationship

between image image distance (v), object distance

(u), focal length (f) of spherical mirrors is known

as mirror formula.

🔶Linear magnification is the ratio of image and

height of object.

🔸If m is positive the image formed is virtual and
🔸If m is negative the image formed is Real and Inverted.

🔸M is greater than 1 image formed is magnified,
🔸M is equal to 1 image formed is of the same size.

🔸M is smaller than 1 the image formed is



Important terms in class 10th light reflection 

Center of Curvature - It is the centre of the hollow

sphere of the glass of which the mirror is a part.

Radius of Curvature - It is the radius of the hollow sphere of glass of

which the mirror is a part.

Pole - The central point of the surface of the mirror is

called its pole.

Principal axis - It is a line passing through the center of curvature

and the pole of the mirror.

Aperture -  It is the portion of mirror through which

reflection of light actually takes place.

Principal Focus - It is the point where all the rays

which are parallel and close to the principal

axis converge (or appear to converge).

Focal length - It is the distance between the Pole and Principal

focus of the mirror.

Light: Refraction notes

FAQ (frequently asked questions from class 10h chapter light)


What is light class 10?


Light is an electromagnetic form of energy or a

series of photon Particles which enable us to

see different objects.


What is reflection of light class 10?


When a light ray comes from a medium that strikes

any surface and  bounces back into the 

same medium, this phenomenon is known as

"Reflection of light".


What Are the main topics in light class 10?


  • What is Reflection?
  • Reflection  by spherical mirrors
  • Rules of image formation
  • Image formation by convex and concave mirrors using ray diagrams
  • Sign convention, mirror formula and magnification

What are the properties of light?

The properties of light are:
  • Reflection of light
  • Refraction of light
  • Dispersion of light
  • Scattering of light

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