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Notes of why do we fall ill class 9 and why do we fall ill class 9 extra questions with ncert solutions.
Topics we are going to cover
- Health
- Personal and community Health disease
- Disease
- Infectious Diseases
- Immunisation
- Pulse Polio Programme
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Notes of Why Do We Fall ill Class 9
â– Health
- Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being.
â–º Basic conditions for good health
(i) Proper balanced and nutritious diet
(ii) Personal hygiene
(iii) Clean environment and sorroundings
(iv) Healthy air, no pollution in the sorroundings
(v) Regular exercise
(vi) Proper rest
(vii) Good standard of living and economic status
â– Difference between Being "Healthy and "Disease-free"
Being Healthy
- It is a state of being well enough to function well physically, mentally and socially.
- It refers to the individual, physical and social environment.
Being Disease free
- It is a state of absence from disease.
- It refers only to the individual.
Let's practice (questions from the topic)
- How does balanced diet played a important role in protecting us from disease and keeping us healthy?
- Why does we say that good economic condition and social harmony are needed for a person to achieve individual health?
- It has been said that personal and community health go hand in hand. Do you agree? If yes, how?
- Can you suggest various measures for maintaining community healthy?
- Explain, how does better public cleanliness lead to better community health.
- How is health education helpful in maintaining better community health?
- Using a point of difference, state how being healthy is different from being disease-free?
â– Disease
- It is a lack of ease i.e person is uncomfortable. If our body organs are not functioning Properly, we are suffering from disease.
â–º Types of disease
On The Basis Of Time Period
(i) Acute disease
- They last for short period
- They don't cause long term bad effect on human health
- Example: Common cold, cough etc.
(ii) Chronic disease
- They last for short period
- They cause long term bad effect on human health
- Example: Diabetes, Tuberculosis etc.
On The Basis Of Causative Factor
(i) Infectious disease
- They are caused by microorganisms
- Transmission through air, water, physical contact
- Infection may spread to a healthy person
- Example: AIDS, Tetanus etc.
(ii) Non - Infectious disease
- These are caused by environmental changes
- Transmission is not possible
- Infection do not spread
- Example: Cancer, Heart disease etc.
Let's practice (questions from the topic)
- On what basis you can analyse that one or more body organs of a person are not functioning properly?
- What helps a physician to confirm a disease?
- When compared to an acute disease patient, a chronic disease patient recover after a longtime. Is it true? Explain.
- State the relation between inadequate diet and health, with an example.
- How does lack of public services and poor economic conditions responsible for causing a disease? Support with an example.
- Do all disease spread to people coming in contact with a sick person?
- What are the various type of disease that has the property of remaining restricted only to a particular person.
â– Paptic Ulcer
- Caused due to Helicobacter pylori which is a bacteria
- Discovered by Barry Marshall and Robin Warren. Due to their discovery peptic ulcer is no longer a chronic disease
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helicobacter pylori |
(iii) Congenital disease
- These are passed on from parents to their offspring genetically
- Example: Haemophilia
(iv) Acquired disease
- These are not passed on from parents to their offspring genetically
- Example: Diabetes
â–º Causes of Diseases
- Pathogens like virus, bacteria, fungi, protozoans or worms
- Poor health and under nourishment
- Hereditary and genetic disorder
- Lack of proper treatment of immunization
- Environmental pollution
â–º Disease causing organism
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Trypanosoma |
- The drugs which are obtained from microorganisms and are used to kill or suppress the multiplication of microorganisms are called Antibiotics.
- Organisms such as Protozoa and fungi can be used to prepare antibiotics
â– How antibiotics works?
- Many bacteria, make a cell - well to protect themselves. The antibiotic penicillin blocks the bacterial processes that build the cell wall. As a result, the growing bacteria becomes unable to make cell - walls and die easily. Human cells don't make a cell - well anyway, So penicillin will have this effect on any bacteria that use such processes for making cell - walls. Similarly, many antibiotics work against many species of bacteria rather than simply working against one.
- Viruses do not use these pathways and therefore antibiotics do not work against viral infections.
- Example: Tetracycline, Penicillin, Streptomycin etc.
â– AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency System)
- Causes of AIDS
- Method of transmission of AIDS
- Prevention of AIDS
â– Organ - specific and tissue specific manifestations
- Disease causing microbes enter the body by different means and goes to different organs and tissues.
Soe of them are :-
â– Immune system
â– Immunisation
Let's practice (questions from the topic)
- State the purpose behind dividing the infectious diseases into different categories.
- One antibiotic can work against many species of bacteria rather than simply working against one Justify.
- Discuss ways in which microorganisms can find entry into human body.
- Why female Anopheles mosquito feed on blood of warm - blooded animals like human beings?
- Keeping in mind about the property of organ - specific diseases. Mention the location of the microbes when they enter through nose, mouth and sexual contact respectively.
- A person complaints of frequently headache vomiting and becomes unconscious frequently. Which organ is most likely to be affected?
- Do you agree that the severity of disease manifestations indirectly depends on the number of microbes in the body? If yes, explain how?
- Immune system is a major factor determining the number of microbes in body.
â– Principles of treatment
â– Principle of prevention
- General ways
- Proper balanced and nutritious diet
- Public hygiene
- Clean environment and surroundings
- Healthy air, no pollution in the surrounding
- Proper sanitation
- Safe drinking water
- Pest control
- Specific ways
Let's practice (questions from the topic)
- Giving treatment to reduce the symptoms of a disease is not enough in order to cure a person, killing of microbe is also essential. Explain.
- Do you agree with the fact that anti-viral bacterial medicines? If yes, why?
- Write the limitation to be kept in mind, while treating an infectious disease.
- What are the practices to prevent airborne microbes?
- State the major practice one should adopt in order to reduce vectorborne microbes.
- Severe infectious disease represents the failure of the immune system. Comment.
- Give the logical explanation behind eliminating the infection more quickly when it enters the second time into the body.
- State the phenomenon of working of vaccine in human beings.
- Is there any difference between immunisation and vaccination? If yes, explain.
- Hepatitis - A vaccine was given to a child of 8 years. Will it be helpful? Give reason.
Pulse Polio Programme
- India launched the Pulse Polio Immunisation (PPI) programme in 1995 as a result of World Health Organisation (WHO) Global Polio Eradication Initiative.
- In this programme, all the childerns who are under 5 years are given two drops of Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) in December and January every year until polio is eradicated.
- PPI was initiated with the objective of achieving hundred percent coverage.
- India has been declared polio-free by WHO.
- Pulse Polio Programme is continuing to eliminate any chance of its comeback.
Why do we fall ill class 9 extra questions with ncert solutions
Why do we fall ill Class 9 Ncert solutions
why do we fall ill class 9 extra questions
Objective type questions
Very short answer type Questions
Short answer type Questions
Long answer type Questions
- Direct contact
- By air
- Indirect contact
- By food
- Mosquito
- Insect
- Rabid animal
- Helath
- Personal and community health issues
- Disease
- Infectious Diseases
- Immunisation
- Pulse Polio Programme
- Factors affecting an individuals Health
- Manifestations of disease
- Causes of disease
- Infectious and Non-infectious diseases
- Infectious agents
- Means of spread of infectious Disease
- General effects of infectious Diseases
- Organ-specific and Tissue-specific Manifestations
- Principles of treatment
- Antibiotics
- Principles of prevention
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