Sample question paper for class 9 cbse maths term 2 | CBSE sample paper class 9 Term 2 2022 science

 Class 9 Term 2 sample paper science

Class 9 term 2 sample paper science

Class 9 Term 2 sample paper science is the most important material to solve for those students who need to score good marks in the science examination because sample paper helps us to practice and give an idea of upcoming CBSE exams weightness, pattern, and the marks distribution process.

The class 9 Term 2 sample paper science contain objective questions like Assertion and Reason and MCQ and subjective questions like Short answer type questions, long answer type questions [3 and 5 marks questions] 

After solving the sample paper of science you will definitely see some results in your practice and upcoming term 2 examination result. 

Note: The sample paper we are providing you is based on the previous year's exam pattern but contains the latest relevant questions.

Class 9 Term 2 sample paper science (Chapter-wise sample papers)

Class 9 term 2 sample paper science Biology Part-1 PDFPart-2 PDF
Class 9 term 2 sample paper science Chemistry Part-1 PDF  Part-2 PDF
Class 9 term 2 sample paper science Physics Part-1 PDF Part-2 PDF

Class 9 Term 2 sample paper science (Full syllabus sample papers)

Class 9 term 2 sample paper science part-1 Download PDF Join our Telegram
Class 9 term 2 sample paper science part-2 Download PDF Join our Telegram
Class 9 term 2 sample paper science part-3 Download PDF Join our Telegram

Features of class 9 Term 2 sample paper science 

Here is the list of our sample paper features 
  1. Sample paper created under the supervision of CBSE teachers and toppers.
  2. followed the whole CBSE guidelines to make this sample paper.
  3. All topics questions are covered in this sample paper.
  4. If you solve the all sample paper you didn't need to purchase any question bank. 
  5. Easy, Soft hard, and Superhard relevant questions are added in this sample paper.
This sample paper really helps you in your revision time and gives you confidence for appearing in term 2 examinations. 

Why should you solve the class 9 Term 2 sample paper science?

Solving a sample paper is most important because it contains the most expected questions that were asked in the board examination again and again and if you practice the most expected questions at least 50 per day you can score 95+ easily in your term 2 examinations. 

It's better to practice most expected questions either doing a lot of questions because Quality > Quantity.

Benefits of solving class 9 Term 2 sample paper science

Benefits of solving sample paper are listed below
  1. Sample paper helps you in self-assessment and in-depth analysis.
  2. It will help you in exams to solve the whole paper on time.
  3. After solving the sample paper, you can see a jump of 15% in your result. 
  4. Quick revision of a vast syllabus in a little time. 
  5. It helps you to know how many words are needed to answer particular questions according to the marks 

How to solve the class 9 Term 2 sample paper science?

For solving the sample paper in the right way and want to gain large productivity is listed below
  1. Set a time according to the latest exam pattern (ex-3 hours)
  2. Set 2 hours and 45 minutes of paper solving only
  3. take the last 15 minutes to check out the paper mistakes and take a revision
  4. Do your marking by your own to increase your in-depth analysis.
These are some points that you have to keep in mind while solving sample papers.

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

Has CBSE released a sample paper for 2022 class 9?

CBSE doesn't release any sample paper for 2022 class 9 because the class 9 term 2 examinations will be conducted by schools.

How can I download the Class 9 term 2 sample paper?

You can download the class 9 term 2 sample paper from the official site of by following the list below
  1. Go to
  2. Click on sample paper on the top menu bar 
  3. Follow the instructions before downloading the sample paper
  4. Join telegram and comment done
How to revise the class 9 term 2 vast syllabus fast?

Sample paper and notes are the only resources from which you can revise your class 9 term 2 syllabus vast syllabus fast.


Hope you like the class 9 Term 2 sample paper science please share it with your friends and let us know in the comment section about your experience.


If you have any doubt or need any study material comment.

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