Class 9 geography natural vegetation and wildlife notes | Class 9 natural vegetation and wildlife notes pdf

 Class 9 geography natural vegetation and wildlife notes

Class 9 geography natural vegetation and wildlife notes

Hello guys, Do you know what is the most important material for a student? Let me tell you, The most important material for a student are notes.

So, in this article, we will provide you Class 9 geography natural vegetation and wildlife notes, and the whole Class 9 geography natural vegetation and wildlife notes are handwritten and contain easy language and contain questions after every important topic So that you can understand it carefully.

I guarantee you the class 9 notes that I am providing you are better than study rankers, Vedantu, byjus notes.

Class 9 geography natural vegetation and wildlife notes PDF contains the following topics

  • Natural Vegetation & Wildlife
  • Natural Vegetation
  • Factors affecting diversity
  • Soil
  • Climate
  • Precipitation
  • Importance of Forests
  • Change like Vegetation in India
  • Location
  • Tropical Deciduous Forests
  • Moist Deciduous
  • Dry Deciduous
  • Tropical thorn forests & Scrubs
  • Montane Forests
  • Altitudinal Distribution of Montane Forests
  • Temperate Forests
  • Temperate grasslands
  • Alpine vegetation
  • Alpine grasslands
  • Tundra vegetation
  • Mangrove forest
  • Wildlife
  • Distribution of Wildlife
  • Medicinal plants
  • Environmental Conservation

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Class 9 geography natural vegetation and wildlife notes PDF and overview

Class 9 natural vegetation pdf download

Natural Vegetation & Wildlife

India is one of the twelve Mega-diversity countries of the world

India with 47,000 plant species (out of which 15,000 are flowering plants, i.e. 6% worldwide the world), occupies 10th position and 4th in Asia.

Non-flowering plants such as ferns, algae, and fungi. are also found here

It also has around 90,000 species of animals (including fishes) and 2,000 species of birds. 

Questions from this topic

Question 1
How many species of plants are in India?

Question 2
Comment on India's natural vegetation and wildlife.

Question 3
How many mega-diversity countries are there in the world?

Question 4
Give an account of flowering and Non-flowering plants in India.

Natural Vegetation

The plants which grow naturally without human intervention are known as Natural vegetation 

Virgin Vegetation - The vegetation, which is left for a long duration of time, is called Virgin vegetation.

Vegetation is of two types

Endemic species: The species of plants that originated from the country. 

Exotic species: The species of plants that originated outside the country.

Factors affecting diversity of natural vegetation

Factors that affect the flora & fauna are as follows

Flora - Plants of a particular region 
Fauna - The species of animals in a region.

1. Relief


The kind of vegetation will be determined by the nature of land i.e. plain, hilly, or a plateau. 

Fertile lands are used for growing crops, vegetables, and fruits. 

The undulating (wavy ऊबड़-खाबड़) and rough surfaces generally develop either into grasslands. or woodlands (forests). 


The soil varies from place to place.

Different kinds of soils provide different kinds of vegetation.

For eg. 
  • Alluvial soil or deltaic soil of river delta near the sea will sustain mangrove forests 
  • Slopes of hills will have conical trees
  • Sandy soil of the desert sustains cactus and thorny bushes.

2. Climate


As the climate gets colder, either by an increase in altitude (915m +) Por by going away from the equator, the vegetation will change from tropical to subtropical, temperate, and then alpine.

[temp. (decreases) ⇒ tropical ⇒ Subtropical⇒ Temperate⇒ Alpine 

for eg.
           On the slopes of the Himalayas and hills of the Peninsula, the fall in temperature affects the type of vegetation and its growth. 

Photoperiod (Sunlight) 

Photo ⇒ Sunlight
period → time duration 
[The amount and duration of sunlight is Photoperiod]

In warmer regions plant growth is faster due to the longer duration of sunlight.

For Eg.
The southern slopes of the Himalayas are covered with thicker vegetation than the Northern slopes due to more sunlight.


Areas of heavy rainfall will have more denser vegetation than others with low rainfall.

For eg.
The South-West monsoon rains, windward side of Western ghats, thus cause a heavy growth of tropical evergreen forests whereas the leeward side does not have any such forest. 

Questions from this topic

Question 1
Different types of sail provide a basis for different kinds of vegetation" Explain. 

Question 2
"The distribution of flora and fauna is primarily determined by the climate " justify the statement by giving relevant facts.

Question 3
How does a fall in temperature affect the types of vegetation?

Question 4
How does the duration of sunlight affect the growth of trees?

Question 5
Give some examples of areas having heavy rainfall.

Importance of Forests

Forests are the advantages of environment

They influence climate, reduce soil erosion, regulate stream flow, provide the raw material for industries and livelihood for many, etc.

They control wind force and temperature and cause rainfall.

They also provide shelter for various animal species. 

Change in the nature of Vegetation in India

Factors like growing demand for cultivable land, development of "industries'' and have changed natural urbanization vegetation.

The vegetation cover of India in large parts is no more natural, except in some inaccessible regions like the Himalayas, the hilly region of Central India, and the Marusthali

Marusthali → The desert or Arid region

Types of Vegetation

India has the following types of vegetation, based on major forest types:-

1 Tropical Evergreen Forests

2 Tropical Deciduous Forests

3 Tropical Thorn Forests and Scrubs

4 Montane Forests

5 Mangrove Forests

Tropical Evergreen Forests (Tropical Rainforests)

They cover 12% of the forested area in India.

They are found in areas where the annual rainfall is over 200 cm with a short dry season.


Western slopes of western ghats

Lakshadweep and Andaman & Nicobar islands

Upper parts of Assam and some parts of the coasts of Tamil Nadu and Odisha.


Abundant vegetation includes tall trees (up to 60m) creepers and bushes. 

The vegetation that occurs here is multi-layered.

They appear green throughout the year as trees shed their leaves at different times.

Ebony, mahogany, cinchona rubber, and rosewood trees are useful commercial trees found there.

Animals found here include rhinoceros, elephants, various species of monkey, lemur, deer, many bird's varieties, water sloth, scorpion, and snails.

Tropical Deciduous Forests
(Monsoon Forests)

They cover 64% of the forested area and are the most abundant variety of forests.

They spread by having an area's annual rainfall from 70 cm to 200cm.


Trees shed their leaves for about 6 to 8 weeks in dry summer.

Teak, sal, peepal, and neem trees grow in these areas.

Many parts of these forests have been cleared for agricultural use and grazing.

Besides lions, tigers, elephants, pigs, and deer, there are many varieties of birds, lizards, snakes, and tortoises are found in these forests.

Based on the availability of water these forests are of two types:

  • Moist Deciduous
  • Dry Deciduous

Moist Deciduous

growing in areas of annual rainfall between 100 - 200 cm.

They cover 34% of India's forested area.

Found mostly in east India such as West Odisha, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh foothills of the Himalayas, and leeward side of Western Ghats. 

Teak (Most found there), bamboos, sal, shisham, sandalwood, Khair, Kusum, Arjun, and mulberry trees are found in these forests.

Dry Deciduous

growing in areas of annual rainfall between 70 and 100 cm.

Cover about 30% of India's forested area.

Found in rainier parts of Peninsular plateau and the plains of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

Tropical Thorn Forests & Scrubs

Cover 5% of the total forested area in India.

Grow in the areas having annual rainfall less than 70 cm.

Found in the North-western part of the country including semi-arid areas of  Gujarat, Rajasthan, some of the areas Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, and Madhya Pradesh, as well as parts of Deccan plateau.

Acacia ,palm ,euphorbia and cactus are found in this region.

Foxes, walk, rats and mice, wild asses, horses, tigers, lions, camels, and similar animals are found in these areas. 


Trees found here are scattered

Other such plants have long thick leaves, succulent stems and small ones are also found here.

These characteristics have been developed to minimize evaporation and conserve moisture.

Montane Forests

They cover 17% of the total forested area of India.

They are found in mountainous areas of Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh.

changes with a corresponding change in temperature with increasing altitude in mountainous regions.

Kashmir stag & Tibetan antelope, yak, jackrabbit, spotted deer, wild sheep, snow leopard, squirrels, shaggy horn wild iben, bear and rare red Pandas, sheep and goats with thick hair are found here. 

Altitudinal Distribution of Montane Forests

Wet temperate Forests
between 1,000 - 2,000m
Wet temperate forests with broadleaf trees such as evergreen chestnuts.

Temperate Forests
Between 1,500 - 3,000m
They contain coniferous trees like pine. deodar, silver fir, spruce, and cedar are found.
They cover the southern slopes of the Himalayas, high altitudinal places in Southern and North-East India.

Temperate grasslands
Found at higher elevations
Above 3,600m they give way to alpine. vegetation.

Alpine vegetation
Found above 3,600 m
Silver fur, junipers, pines, and birches are the common trees found here.
They get stunted on snow lines and through shrubs & scrubs, these merge into the Alpine grasslands.

Alpine grasslands
These grasses are used extensively for growing by nomadic tribes like the Gujjars and the Bakarwals.

Tundra vegetation
Mosses and lichens are a part of tundra vegetation found at higher altitudes.

Mangrove Forests ( Tidal Forests)

Found in coastal areas influenced by the sea.

The roots of the predominant mangroves are submerged underwater.
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Found in the delta areas of rivers on the East coast of India (Ganga, Brahmaputra, Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri) due to mud and silt brought down by the rivers.

In the Ganga - Brahmaputra delta Sundari trees providing durable timbre are present. here.

Other trees are palm, coconut, keora, and agar.

Animals found here include the Royal Bengal Tigers, Snakes, turtles, gharials, and crocodiles.


India is also rich in fauna.

They constitute 13% of total world stock.

There are 2546 species of fish, which is 12% of the world's stock.

It also shares between 5% and 8% of the world's amphibians, reptiles & mammals.

Distribution of Wildlife

Elephants → hot wet forests of Assam, Karnataka & Kerala.

One-Horned Rhino → swampy & marshy lands of Assam & West Bengal.

Wild ass → Arid areas of Rann of Kutch.

Camels → Thar desert

Lions → Gir forest of Gujarat.
India is the only country that has both tigers & lions.

Tigers & leopards are found in the forests of Madhya Pradesh, the Sunderbans of West Bengal & the Himalayan region.

Yak, Shaggy horned wild on, the Tibetan antelope, the bharal, wild sheep & the kiang (Tibetian wild ass). → Ladakh's freezing region

The iber, dear, snow–leopard, and very rare red panda are found only in certain pockets.

Turtles, Crocodiles, Gharials are found in rivers, lakes, and coastal areas. 
The gharial is the only representative variety of crocodiles found in the world today. 

Peacocks, pheasants, ducks, parakeets, cranes, and pigeons are some of the birds inhabiting the forests and the wetlands of the country.

Indian bison, nilgai (blue bull), chousingha (four-horned antelope), gazel, and different species of deer are some other animals found in India.

Several species of monkeys are also present here.

The wetlands of India are home to many migratory birds such as Siberian cranes, flamingoes, etc.


Gir forest is the last remaining habitat of the Asiatic lion.
Gir forests

The Wildlife Protection Act was implemented in 1972 in India.

Medicinal Plants

India has been known for its herbs & spices since ancient times.

The commonly used plants in India are:-

Sarpagandha → Treatment of blood pressure Found only in India.

Jamun → juice from ripe fruits is used to prepare vinegar which is carminative & diuretic and has digestive properties. "Powder of seeds is used for controlling diabetes. 

Arjun → Fresh juice of leaves acts as a cure for earache. It is used to regulate blood pressure.

Babool → Leaves are used as a cure for eyesores.
Its gum is also used as a tonic.
Babool tree

Neem → high antibiotic and antibacterial properties.

Tulsi → Used to cure cough & cold.

Kachnar → Used to cure asthma & ulcer The buds and roots are good for digestive problems.
Kachnar tree

Environmental Conservation

Every species has a role to play in the ecosystem.

So, we have to conserve it also.

But, Due to excessive exploitation of the plants and animal resources by human beings, the ecosystem has been disturbed.

About 1,200 plant species are enclaves and 20 species are extinct.

Quite a few animal species are also endangered and some have become.

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FAQ (frequently asked questions)

What is natural vegetation class 9th geography?

The plants which grow naturally without human intervention are known as Natural vegetation.

What is land Class 9 natural vegetation and wildlife?

  • The kind of vegetation will be determined by the nature of land i.e. plain, hilly, or a plateau. 
  • Fertile lands are used for growing crops, vegetables, and fruits. 
  • The undulating (wavy ऊबड़-खाबड़) and rough surfaces generally develop either into grasslands. or woodlands (forests)

What is the importance of natural vegetation Class 9?

Natural vegetation includes plants and animals which are grown without human interference. They also include many types of medicinal plants and provide wood for various activities


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